HuniePop Answers & Questions – All Characters

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Last Updated on 15 March, 2021

HuniePop Answers & Questions – The correct answer to each question of every character (secret characters included)

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HuniePop Answers & Questions – Tiffany

These are all the Questions of Tiffany, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …extraterrestrial stuff? / answer – “I’ll believe it when I see it”
  • 2° Question – …talk with any of your ex’s? / answer – “Yeah I keep in touch with some of them”
  • 3° Question – …cheated on anybody? / answer – “Nope. Not yet anyway.”
  • 4° Question – …done any drugs? / answer – “I’ve messed around a little in the past but I’m over it.”
  • 5° Question – …Have you slept with a lot of girls? / answer – “I lost count around forty”
  • 6° Question – How close are you with your family? / answer – “I try to stay as far away from those freaks as I can.”
  • 7° Question – …open relationship? / answer – “It’s not really my thing.”
  • 8° Question – …biggest weakness is? / answer – “I can be pretty insecure of my relationship”
  • 9° Question – …dating anybody else right now, are you? / answer – “Yeah, but only like seven other chicks”
  • 10° Question – …thoughts on school? / answer – “I love the academic environment, I wish school never ended.”
  • 11° Question – …first kiss like? / answer – “Sloopy! I don’t think either of us knew we were doing.”
  • 12° Question – …the perfect date? / answer – “Sitting at home, ordering a pizza and watching movie.”
  • 13° Question – …people who smoke? / answer – “I can’t stand smoke, It’s disgusting.”
  • 14° Question – …date an unattractive girl / answer – “Probably not, I need to be attracted to my partner.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Aiko

These are all the Questions of Aiko, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …partner history? / answer – “Yeah, I like to know what I’m getting myself into.”
  • 2° Question – …happiness? / answer – “I don’t know… I guess I’m still searching for that answer.”
  • 3° Question – …Longest relationship / answer – “My longest? Probably a year and some change.”
  • 4° Question – …how many chicks you seeing? / answer – “There are a couple of girls I’ve met that I’m talking to.”
  • 5° Question – …biggest turn on? / answer – “Hearing a girl moan, hands down.”
  • 6° Question – can’t think of anything to do? / answer – “crank one out”
  • 7° Question – …favorite part of the female body? / answer – “The chest… Region.”
  • 8° Question – …What kind of *** are you into? / answer – “Believe me, one look at my browser history would terrify you.”
  • 9° Question – …first time like? / answer – “Once I found the hole we were good to go.”
  • 10° Question – …craziest place you haven’t done it / answer – “Underneath your desk”
  • 11° Question – …perfect vacation like? / answer – “just stay home and relax.”
  • 12° Question – …kill count? / answer – “pretty decent amount, but nothing crazy.”
  • 13° Question – …fantasy? / answer – “chained to the bed and …”
  • 14° Question – …political person at all? / answer – “Nah, that’s all a bunch of noise to me.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Kyanna

These are all the Questions of Kyanna, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …good with money? / answer – “I would say so, I’ve always been good at saving up for important things.”
  • 2° Question – …exercise a lot or are you a major couch potato? / answer – “Yeah! I hardly ever miss a day.”
  • 3° Question – …get up early in the morning or… / answer – “Bright and early! Things to do, people to see”
  • 4° Question – …stability or spontaneity / answer – “I prefer stability. It’s important to have an anchor down somewhere in life.”
  • 5° Question – …tell little white lies? / answer – “Nope, a lie is a lie.”
  • 6° Question – responsibility for his actions? / answer – “Very much so. I take pride in always seeing my commitments through.”
  • 7° Question – …last relationship end? / answer – “We sort of grew apart and mutually agreed that it was the right thing.”
  • 8° Question – …girls who wear makeup? / answer – “I love makeup, it makes girls look much prettier”
  • 9° Question – …about kids? / answer – “I love kids, They bring so much joy into your life”
  • 10° Question – …personality that you just can’t stand? / answer – “I don’t like ♥♥♥♥♥es. It’s like, holy ♥♥♥♥ chill out ♥♥♥♥♥.”
  • 11° Question – …thoughts on unplanned pregnancies? / answer – “I think it should be left up to the potential mother to decide.”
  • 12° Question – …looking for in a relationship? / answer – “I just want to hang out, have fun and see where it goes, You know?”
  • 13° Question – …life advice / answer – “Confidence is the foundation for all success in life.”
  • 14° Question – …automatic relationship deal breaker / answer – “I don’t think there’s a anything that can’t be worked”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Audrey

These are all the Questions of Audrey, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …work out? / answer – “I was born perfect. I don’t need to work out.”
  • 2° Question – …girls that shave their / answer – “Yeah, public hair is gross”
  • 3° Question – …still talk to any of the girls… / answer – “Hell no!”
  • 4° Question – …vent when somebody pisses you off? / answer – “I scream in their face about it.”
  • 5° Question – …saw me with another guy / answer – “I’d break his ♥♥♥♥ing face.”
  • 6° Question – go to position? / answer – “I like to give it from behind.”
  • 7° Question – …going to university? / answer – “School is nothing but a waste of time and money.”
  • 8° Question – …you are on? / answer – “I like to get high every now and again.”
  • 9° Question – ..How many times a day / answer – “As many times as it takes.”
  • 10° Question – …when you’re bored? / answer – “You get ♥♥♥♥ed up on drugs, duh.”
  • 11° Question – …hate most about a dating? / answer – “Pretty much everything.”
  • 12° Question – …biggest turn on? Huh? / answer – “Broads who don’t know how to let lose and have fun.”
  • 13° Question – …hate to even look at? / answer – “I can’t stand fake ♥♥♥ hoes”
  • 14° Question – …stolen anything? / answer – “Of course, It’s too easy to get away with.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Lola

These are all the Questions of Lola, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …sports? / answer – “But yeah, I’m pretty much the best of all time”
  • 2° Question – …drinking coffee? / answer – “or you could say I’m a coffee addict.”
  • 3° Question – …longest relationship? / answer – “Several years, it was pretty serious.”
  • 4° Question – …Fifteen years? / answer – “Still working my ♥♥♥ off to get what I want”
  • 5° Question – …trait to have in a girlfriend? / answer – “An ambitious and independent woman, A real go-getter..”
  • 6° Question – perfect date look like / answer – “Something outdoorsy and adventurous; a new experience.”
  • 7° Question – …made you approach me / answer – “Probably that form fitting uniform of yours”
  • 8° Question – …books do you like? / answer – “You can usually find me in self-help section”
  • 9° Question – ..get up in the morning? / answer – “The goals that I haven’t achieved yet.”
  • 10° Question – …wake up in the morning? / answer – “How am I going to make the most out of this day?”
  • 11° Question – …biggest goal in life? / answer – “To discover new things to learn and explore”
  • 12° Question – …greatest weakness? / answer – “Weakness? I don’t know the meaning of the word.”
  • 13° Question – …definition of success? / answer – “Accomplishing the goals you set for yourself, whatever they might be.”
  • 14° Question – …outdoorsy type? / answer – “Definitely, I can’t stand being cooped up inside all day.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Nikki

These are all the Questions of Nikki, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …optimist or pessimistic  / answer – “I don’t know… I think I am probably somewhere in the middle.”
  • 2° Question – …paranormal? / answer – “You never know, I don’t think we can rule it out.”
  • 3° Question – …alone in the universe? / answer – “I don’t know why, but I always get the feeling that we’re not.”
  • 4° Question – …lot of parties? / answer – “I can’t stand parties or the kind of people who go to them.”
  • 5° Question – …introvert or an extrovert? / answer – “I’d much rather be at home by myself most nights.”
  • 6° Question – serious relationship? / answer – “I’ve never had any kind of relationship”
  • 7° Question – …drink coffee every day? / answer – “I think once in a while is fine but damn, every day?”
  • 8° Question – …getting her number? / answer – “I’ll call her that same day if I really like her”
  • 9° Question – ..plan on having? / answer – “I should never be responsible for another human being.”
  • 10° Question – …ashamed to tell anyone? / answer – “Nope! I have nothing to hide from anybody.”
  • 11° Question – …game do you play? / answer – “I’m more of an old school gamer; nothing like the classics.”
  • 12° Question – …looks or personality? / answer – “Looks don’t do much for me if you’re a piece of ♥♥♥♥ inside.”
  • 13° Question – …come up and talk to me? / answer – “I thought you looked cute standing there all alone.”
  • 14° Question – …liberal or a conservative person? / answer – “I tend to seeing to the liberal side of things.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Jessie

These are all the Questions of Jessie, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …dark secrets / answer – “My lips are sealed.”
  • 2° Question – …lights on or off? / answer – “All the way on, so I can watch her eyes roll back into her head.”
  • 3° Question – …slept around while… / answer – “Yeah, I ‘m not exactly the best at commitment.”
  • 4° Question – …little tiny lies… / answer – “Well, as long as nobody gets hurt.”
  • 5° Question – …smokers? / answer – “To be honest, I think they’re kinda sexy.”
  • 6° Question – family to you? / answer – “It’s the most important thing in the world”
  • 7° Question – …when you’re in a relationship? / answer – “About as often as I do it when I’m single”
  • 8° Question – …ow often do you watch *** / answer – “I think the real question is how often am I not watching ****”
  • 9° Question – …seeing other people on the side? / answer – “She can do whatever she wants. I don’t own her.”
  • 10° Question – …how many times a day / answer – “You couldn’t handle how many times I would do it.”
  • 11° Question – …million dollars / answer – “I’d spend all of it on luxuries for my girlfriend.”
  • 12° Question – …favorite *** position / answer – “I’m a pretty big fan of oral.”
  • 13° Question – …back door? / answer – “I suppose if I was invited it would be rude not to stop in for a bit.”
  • 14° Question – …made in the past? / answer – “Of course not, The past is in the past.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Beli

These are all the Questions of Beli, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …body? / answer – “What’s not to be happy with?”
  • 2° Question – …life after death? / answer – “Well, I don’t know what it might be, but surely there must be something.”
  • 3° Question – …deeper meaning to dreams? / answer – “It seems possible, Maybe there’s a message in every dream.”
  • 4° Question – …look at your partners face / answer – “Yes, I look right into her eyes.”
  • 5° Question – …spirituality? / answer – “I wouldn’t say I’m 100% non-spiritual, but I don’t loose my mind about it.”
  • 6° Question -war and disease in other countries? / answer – “It’s a terrible shame and it breaks my heart”
  • 7° Question – …change one thing about me / answer – “Only that you would ask such an insecure question”
  • 8° Question – …someone’s wallet on the ground / answer – “Look inside to see if I can find out who to return it to”
  • 9° Question – …girls shaving… / answer – “Honestly, I prefer the natural look.”
  • 10° Question – …true love? / answer – “I believe there is one special person out there for everyone.”
  • 11° Question – …makes you angry? / answer – “I try to relax and remember that nobody is perfect”
  • 12° Question – …favorite *** position / answer – “I’m a pretty big fan of oral.”
  • 13° Question – …morning routine / answer – “I like to take a few moments to reflect on the day ahead of me.”
  • 14° Question – …about yourself? / answer – “I like that I’m open-minded and always learning.”

HuniePop Answers & Questions – Kyu

These are all the Questions of Kyu, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …when we first met? / answer – “Sunday”
  • 2° Question – …approaching Kyanna? / answer – “She’s looking for a decent guy so try not to be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.”
  • 3° Question – …approach Lola? / answer – “Open up with something safe to try and get on her good side.”
  • 4° Question – …conversation with Aiko? / answer – “Say something really stupid to try and cheer her up.”
  • 5° Question – …interaction with Nikki? / answer – “That my weirdness might actually pay off so just be myself.”
  • 6° Question – color was my hair / answer – “Brunette.”
  • 7° Question – …approaching Audrey / answer – “Take charge and don’t let any of her ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t get to me.”
  • 8° Question – …first ever token match? / answer – “Romance Tokens”
  • 9° Question – …meeting Tiffany? / answer – “Don’t be afraid to take a chance but try not to scare her off.”
  • 10° Question – …meeting Beli? / answer – “To quickly say something to her before she had a chance to get away.”
  • 11° Question – …color dress? / answer – “Red”
  • 12° Question – …first met Jessie / answer – “The nice guy ♥♥♥♥ wasn’t going to cut it so I had to be aggressive.”
  • 13° Question – …about dating? / answer – “Outdoor Lounge”
  • 14° Question – …first meet? / answer – “Bar & Lounge.”

Momo Answers

These are all the Questions of Momo, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …cats spend grooming? / answer – “30%”
  • 2° Question – …indoor cats usually live for about? / answer – “14-16 years”
  • 3° Question – …taste kitties don’t have? / answer – “Sweet”
  • 4° Question – …group of cats called? / answer – “Clowder”
  • 5° Question – …How long is a cat pregnant / answer – “2 months”
  • 6° Question – cat spend sleeping / answer – “14-16 hours”
  • 7° Question – …tiny baby kittens? / answer – “Kindle”
  • 8° Question – …tail under her body? / answer – “She’s scared.”
  • 9° Question – …a kitty or doggy? / answer – “Dogs have more teeth.”
  • 10° Question – …called feral? / answer – “The cat is no longer domesticated”
  • 11° Question – …it’s trilling? / answer – “Making purr-like vocal noises”
  • 12° Question – …female kitty? / answer – “Molly”
  • 13° Question – …name for a kitty? / answer – “Felis Catus”
  • 14° Question – …NOT a breed of cat? / answer – “Tabby.”

Celeste Answers

These are all the Questions of Celeste, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …planet Earth? / answer – “4.500.000.000”
  • 2° Question – …began the universe? / answer – “Big Bang”
  • 3° Question – …Saturn have? / answer – “62”
  • 4° Question – …earth calendar year? / answer – “6 trillion”
  • 5° Question – …anything else? / answer – “Hydrogen”
  • 6° Question – supernova? / answer – “An exploding star”
  • 7° Question – …planet to its moon? / answer – “238,900 miles”
  • 8° Question – …solar system? / answer – “Jupiter”
  • 9° Question – …Milky Way? / answer – “Andromeda Galaxy”
  • 10° Question – …Saturn’s largest moon? / answer – “Titan”
  • 11° Question – …in your solar system? / answer – “Mercury”
  • 12° Question – …planet’s sun? / answer – “Yellow Dwarf”
  • 13° Question – …party of ice? / answer – “Comet”
  • 14° Question – …most dense? / answer – “Earth”

Venus Answers

These are all the Questions of Venus, and also, of course the correct answers:

  • 1° Question – …girl who wears earrings? / answer – “Kyanna”
  • 2° Question – …blue eyes? / answer – “Three”
  • 3° Question – …change her hair color? / answer – “Audrey”
  • 4° Question – …largest cup size? / answer – “Kyanna”
  • 5° Question – …does not smoke? / answer – “Kyanna”
  • 6° Question – lipstick? / answer – “Lola”
  • 7° Question – …not wear glasses? / answer – “Tiffany”
  • 8° Question – …weights the least? / answer – “Audrey”
  • 9° Question – …not close friends? / answer – “Aiko e Lola”
  • 10° Question – …pair of stockings? / answer – “Aiko”
  • 11° Question – …violet colored eyes? / answer – “Kyanna”
  • 12° Question – …tallest girl / answer – “Beli”
  • 13° Question – …youngest girl / answer – “Nikki”
  • 14° Question – …astest in the year? / answer – “Tiffany”