Mass Effect Legendary Edition Face Codes 2022

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Last Updated on 15 March, 2022

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Face Codes – Tons of Male & Female Shepard face codes, Find the one you like the most, many options to choose from

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Face Codes – Full List

These are all the available Face Codes face code:

Female Shepard Face Codes – FemShep

These are all the Female Shepard – FemShep codes

  • New Female Code: 7J1.ECK.11N.U8W.RDJ.M49.2FG.71C.R66.15H.9GG.J1G.A
  • u/Asukalock’s Femshep face code: 7Q1.D9H.M66.F87.JDQ.96M.1D9.141.R46.44A.FG6.1CF.5
  • PCGN Jen’s Femshep face code: 7L1.1LL.HF8.T21.AC9.1HF.LKI.211.W16.1H9.AGH.T1G.A
  • u/derrylharper’s Vanessa Shepard face code: 9A3.1FD.G11.M11.IG1.1BN.6MK.A11.NP8.23B.769.1WG
  • u/ThereIsNoDog’s Femshep face code: 8A1.1BB.PAG.D12.F1V.1EU.WWI.1GL.WE4.1CB.K65.FWF.B
  • u/merylisk’s Esme Shepard face code: 7S3.12W.D2B.H84.N8I.8GP.7DK.73G.W9C.795.E46.I1B.B
  • Sarah Shepard face code: 312.11F.B87.G54.FW1.HCW.US4.991.EH7.CFB.AD5.K1G.A
  • Jorja Shepard face code: 7A1.Q9G.M17.F2A.NB1.1FQ.1DA.711.G68.41G.499.HXG.B
  • Azaelia Shepard face code: 7L2.7DB.866.E21.CGG.M6B.1MF.111.W68.173.C49.BGG.3
  • Mei Shepard face code: 4Q1.DFR.K1C.A9P.TPP.DDM.18D.16D.S63.F1B.F4A.R2J.1
  • Jennifer Shepard face code: 7T1.C7H.J15.K25.3LV.1HW.8JA.751.PL6.DCG.FG9.M9G
  • Logan Shepard face code: 1J1.WAD.JA6.E2G.GG6.66T.LGI.72G.WD6.714.8G5.51G.B
  • Logan Shepard II face code: 1K1.WAD.JA6.E2G.GG6.66T.LGI.72G.WD6.714.8G8.514
  • Regan Shepard face code: 9Q3.331.EG8.J82.M9H.5GF.MQC.868.UD1.4FG.F66.C1F.6
  • Julia Shepard face code: 7I1.11H.L31.W8T.Q7P.DAI.AKN.21C.WD5.472.1G9.111.4
  • Nadira Shepard face code: 773.11W.HLS.G1K.UD3.B41.1WQ.811.118.4JK.35J.KAQ.A
  • Alex Shepard face code: 5Q3.J2E.B78.E23.783.5HL.IR9.72C.KU6.H1I.2GF.11C
  • 751.99G.W17.F7C.JDQ.64Q.1DA.711.S46.1LH.FG6.LJG.6
  • 7T3.47J.G71.K8A.HDQ.62F.1EC.711.F16.11J.2GH.Q5G.1
  • SS1.SEU.B2C.A8Q.CBN.1GM.G59.861.RI3.DLA.F49.CCC.1
  • 743.19N.E17.I2M.EDQ.65Q.1DA.811.966.412.6G5.177
  • 7S1.8BH.HG4.K1A.7CI.5GT.HKA.711.JF8.521.2G9.11F
  • 8L3.KAJ.NGA.D9Q.J3E.15Q.DEL.15W.MCA.39J.347.41G.B
  • 5L1.11F.C16.K7Q.CBJ.1HN.AS1.761.MB2.DF5.F46.PBB.A
  • 7S1.11F.E1B.L8A.JDJ.EHN.677.111.I66.413.A3K.GFG.1
  • 1I1.916.N1F.F11.WFR.FGG.4GG.111.S95.2PB.94A.11G.1
  • 5M3.SEU.B2C.A9Q.DBM.GGM.G59.861.TJ3.DLK.E69.EBY
  • 753.KDE.Q81.W81.9J3.12W.11G.194.FD6.1BD.6G6.17A

Make sure you copy and paste them from our website, as they contain 36 characters (letters, numbers, periods and symbols) and it’s easy to make a mistake.

Male Shepard Face Codes

These are all the Male Shepard codes

  • New Male Code: 1K2.JII.QHJ.F8G.E8L.F1R.KQL.315.1E6.9PF.E45.9
  • u/hoxtonbreakfast’s Masato Shepard face code: 3Q1.7AE.ENF.A85.FAS.JEI.MJD.6PG.G75.8I7.17B.9C
  • u/bettercallconnolly’s John Shepard face code: 5J2.FNH.DGW.J31.HLW.15R.W6L.6QL.1E2.1L5.E5B.9C
  • u/BrandonNoir’s Brandon Shepard face code:1D1.67F.MFA.43F.MDI.3DS.6W6.7CL.TK5.8GN.E3A.5C
  • u/JAT619’s Augustus Shepard face code:543.UAH.CMT.C3I.GMU.M2B.N7P.2RN.J84.AUK.E3A.95
  • Augustus Shepard II face code: 5T1.EF8.WT1.136.EDU.S5W.WD5.6GG.6E2.1R5.65G.EC
  • Philip Shepard face code: 511CDMPFRN59RDU63WWCF6WTW8C2Q5E476
  • Mark Shepard face code: 5Ql.DG7.IGQ.N5D.DDT.H4K.NGH.5E3.AE2.1MD.E33.31
  • Colt Shepard face code: 3J1.17D.A7K.18B.9FG.35P.4C8.6AG.G16.5GH.E4A.9
  • Sean Shepard face code: 5M2.743.4RE.78E.G59.685.4PB.52F.1T6.BA4.836.7
  • 342.KML.CIQ.G31.GMP.MBB.N7P.2RN.J84.AUM.A36.9
  • 5A2.SPK.FGW.J31.HLW.13W.U9N.6VL.N9C.1MN.85B.B4
  • 542.GG8.L7Q.P37.IGQ.IBQ.NMP.8FR.FC4.2I3.85A.9
  • SG1.HKE.87L.B8Q.C8Q.DFR.QFH.6PJ.9DC. 1C1.17A.9
  • 262.111.11F.A61.AAV.J5D.MDJ.68G.172.5D5.E46.61
  • 5L1.7JD.GTF.A3G.AAV.JBD.MDj.6PG.G72.AG4.647.87
  • 241.111.11F.GGW.6HH.HW1.631.BH5.8JA.B43.5
  • 452.RLI.MGG.B71.H1T.175.S89.32D.1J2.C84.E33.6

Make sure you copy and paste them from our website, as they contain 36 characters (letters, numbers, periods and symbols) and it’s easy to make a mistake.

What are Face Codes?

In the character reconstruction menu you can make all the designs you can think of. In fact, in Mass Effect Legendary Edition a multitude of hairstyles, skin colors (tones) and a lot more features have been added to customize your character as much as you want. Once you get the configuration you like you can save it and share it. And that’s the Face Codes

Although perhaps the biggest novelty of Legendary edition is that now the same face codes can be used in all three games. So you can rescue old designs, with which you started playing the first versions of Mass Effect

In fact, in addition to those that we have provided, there are many more codes, here are some internet sources where you can find more

  • Reddit (is a subreddit solely dedicated to sharing your Shepards)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Face Codes – How to Redeem?

  1. Launch Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  2. Enter the Profile reconstruction menu
  3. In the menu on the left, below you will see that you have a space to enter the code, there you can copy and paste it
  4. Click on Finalice when you find a face you like and want to play with it