Monster Rancher 2 Monster List

Table of Contents

Last Updated on 23 September, 2022

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Pixies, Dragons, Centaurs, ColorPandoras, Beaclons, Hengers, Wrackys, Golems, Zuum, Durahan, Arrow Heads, Tigers…

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Pixies

These are all the Pixies and their sub-types:

  • Allure: Sub-type = Naga
  • Angel: Sub-type = Gali
  • Daina: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Dixie: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Dryad: Sub-type = Mock
  • Futurity: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Granity: Sub-type = Golem
  • Janne: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Jilt: Sub-type = Wracky
  • Jinnee: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Kasumi: Sub-type = ???
  • Kitten: Sub-type = Kato
  • Lepus: Sub-type = Hare
  • Lilim: Sub-type = Joker
  • Mia: Sub-type = ???
  • Mint: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Nagisa: Sub-type = Jell
  • Night Flyer: Sub-type = Worm
  • Pixie: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Poison: Sub-type = ???
  • Serenity: Sub-type = Plant
  • Silhouette: Sub-type = Monol
  • Snowy: Sub-type = Jill
  • Unico: Sub-type = Centaur
  • Vanity: Sub-type = Suezo

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Dragons

These are all the Dragons and their sub-types:

  • Tiamat: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Dragon: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Corkasus: Sub-type = Beaclon
  • Tecno Dragon: Sub-type = Henger
  • Stone Dragon: Sub-type = Golem
  • Armor Dragon: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Crab Dragon: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • Hound Dragon: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Gariel: Sub-type = Gali
  • Oscerot: Sub-type = Kato
  • Dodongo: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Gidras: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Death Dragon: Sub-type = Joker
  • Ragnaroks: Sub-type = Monol
  • Moo: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Centaurs

These are all the Centaurs and their sub-types:

  • Ferious: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Dragoon: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Centaur: Sub-type = Centaur
  • Trojan: Sub-type = Golem
  • Chariot: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Antares: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • Celious: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Bazoo: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Reaper: Sub-type = Joker
  • Trotter: Sub-type = ???
  • Blue Thunder: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – ColorPandoras

These are all the ColorPandoras and their sub-types:

  • PeachTreeBug: Sub-type = Pixie
  • ColorPandora: Sub-type = ColorPandora
  • Liquid Cube: Sub-type = Jell
  • Dice: Sub-type = ???
  • Tram: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Beaclons

These are all the Beaclons and their sub-types:

  • Bethelgeus: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Beaclon: Sub-type = Beaclon
  • Melcarba: Sub-type = Henger
  • Rocklon: Sub-type = Golem
  • Centurion: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Sloth Beetle: Sub-type = Tiger
  • KautRoarKaut: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Jaggernaut: Sub-type = Joker
  • Ducklon: Sub-type = Ducken
  • Eggplantern: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Hengers

These are all the Hengers and their sub-types

  • Garlant: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Henger: Sub-type = Henger
  • Gaia: Sub-type = Golem
  • Omega: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Heuy: Sub-type = Metalner
  • End Bringer: Sub-type = Joker
  • Automaton: Sub-type = Mock
  • Black Henger: Sub-type = Monol
  • Skeleton: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Wrackys

These are all the Wrackys and their sub-types:

  • Baby Doll: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Draco Doll: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Henger Doll: Sub-type = Henger
  • Wracky: Sub-type = Wracky
  • Pebbly: Sub-type = Golem
  • Petit Knight: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Bakky: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Metal Glay: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Tricker: Sub-type = Joker
  • Mocky: Sub-type = Mock
  • Satan Clause: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Golems

These are all the Golems and their sub-types:

  • Pink Golem: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Tyrant: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Strong Horn: Sub-type = Beaclon
  • Gobi: Sub-type = Henger
  • Mariomax: Sub-type = Wracky
  • Golem: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Golem: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Battle Rocks: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Dagon: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • Big Blue: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Moaigon: Sub-type = Hare
  • Sleepyhead: Sub-type = Baku
  • Amenhotep: Sub-type = Gali
  • Pressure: Sub-type = Zilla
  • Dao: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Astro: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Titan: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Angolmor: Sub-type = Joker
  • Poseidon: Sub-type = Jell
  • Wood Golem: Sub-type = Mock
  • Ecologuardia: Sub-type = Plant
  • Black Golem: Sub-type = Monol
  • Magna: Sub-type = Worm
  • Marble Guy: Sub-type = Naga
  • ForwardGolem: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Zuum

These are all the Zuum and their sub-types:

  • FairySaurian: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Salamander: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Rock Saurian: Sub-type = Golem
  • Zuum: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Crab Saurian: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • HoundSaurian: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Spot Saurian: Sub-type = Hare
  • Hachiro: Sub-type = Baku
  • NobleSaurian: Sub-type = Gali
  • Tasman: Sub-type = Kato
  • Sand Saurian: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Mustardy: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Basilisk: Sub-type = Joker
  • JellySaurian: Sub-type = Jell
  • Wood Saurian: Sub-type = Mock
  • AlohaSaurian: Sub-type = Plant
  • BlackSaurian: Sub-type = Monol
  • ShellSaurian: Sub-type = Worm
  • Naga Saurian: Sub-type = Naga
  • ZebraSaurian: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Durahan

These are all the Durahan and their sub-types:

  • Leziena: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Vesuvius: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Hercules: Sub-type = Beaclon
  • Kelmadics: Sub-type = Golem
  • Durahan: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Lorica: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • Hound Knight: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Garuda: Sub-type = Phoenix
  • Metal Glory: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Genocider: Sub-type = Joker
  • Wood Knight: Sub-type = Mock
  • Shogun: Sub-type = ???
  • Ruby Knight: Sub-type = ???
  • Kokushi Muso: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Arrow Heads

These are all the Arrow Heads and their sub-types:

  • Renocraft: Sub-type = Henger
  • Priarocks: Sub-type = Golem
  • Plated Arrow: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Arrow Head: Sub-type = Arrow Head
  • MustardArrow: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Selketo: Sub-type = Joker
  • Log Sawer: Sub-type = Mock
  • Sumopion: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Tigers

These are all the Tigers and their sub-types:

  • Daton: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Rock Hound: Sub-type = Golem
  • Datonare: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Tiger: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Hare Hound: Sub-type = Hare
  • Balon: Sub-type = Gali
  • Mono Eyed: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Jelly Hound: Sub-type = Jell
  • Tropical Dog: Sub-type = Plant
  • Terror Dog: Sub-type = Monol
  • Jagd Hound: Sub-type = Worm
  • Cabalos: Sub-type = Naga
  • White Hound: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Hoppers

These are all the Hoppers and their sub-types:

  • Fairy Hopper: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Draco Hopper: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Skipper: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Hopper: Sub-type = Hopper
  • Mustachios: Sub-type = Kato
  • Emerald Eye: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Springer: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Rear Eyed: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Snow Hopper: Sub-type = Jill
  • Pink Hopper: Sub-type = Mocchi
  • Sneak Hopper: Sub-type = Joker
  • Woody Hopper: Sub-type = Mock
  • Frog Hopper: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Hares

These are all the Hares and their sub-types:

  • Fairy Hare: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Rocky Fur: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Hare: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Blue Hare: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Hare: Sub-type = Hare
  • Prince Hare: Sub-type = Gali
  • Four Eyed: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Jelly Hare: Sub-type = Jell
  • Leaf Hare: Sub-type = Plant
  • Evil Hare: Sub-type = Monol
  • Wild Hare: Sub-type = Worm
  • Purple Hare: Sub-type = Naga
  • Kung Fu Hare: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Bakus

These are all the Bakus and their sub-types:

  • Magmax: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Higante: Sub-type = Golem
  • War Baku: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Icebergy: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Gontar: Sub-type = Hare
  • Baku: Sub-type = Baku
  • Nussie: Sub-type = Kato
  • Baku Clown: Sub-type = Joker
  • Giga Pint: Sub-type = Jell
  • Shishi: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Galis

These are all the Galis and their sub-types:

  • Pink Mask: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Stone Mask: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Mask: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Fanged Mask: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Furred Mask: Sub-type = Hare
  • Gali: Sub-type = Gali
  • Suezo Mask: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Aqua Mask: Sub-type = Jell
  • Colorful: Sub-type = Plant
  • Galirous: Sub-type = Monol
  • Brown Mask: Sub-type = Worm
  • Purple Mask: Sub-type = Naga
  • Happy Mask: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Katos

These are all the Katos and their sub-types:

  • Draco Kato: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Blue Kato: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Gordish: Sub-type = Gali
  • Kato: Sub-type = Kato
  • Citronie: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Pink Kato: Sub-type = Mocchi
  • Tainted Cat: Sub-type = Joker
  • Ninja Kato: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Zillas

These are all the Zillas and their sub-types:

  • Pink Zilla: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Gooji: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Zilla: Sub-type = Zilla
  • Gigalon: Sub-type = Jell
  • Deluxe Liner: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Bajarls

These are all the Bajarls and their sub-types:

  • Bajarl: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Jaba: Sub-type = Joker
  • Boxer Bajarl: Sub-type = ???
  • Magic Bajarl: Sub-type = ???
  • Ultrarl: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Mews

These are all the Mews and their sub-types:

  • Mum Mew: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Bowwow: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Eared Mew: Sub-type = Hare
  • Mew: Sub-type = Mew
  • Aqua Mew: Sub-type = Jell
  • Swimmer: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Phoenixes

These are all the Phoenixes and their sub-types:

  • Phoenix: Sub-type = Phoenix
  • Cinder Bird: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Ghosts

These are all the Ghosts and their sub-types:

  • Ghost: Sub-type = Ghost
  • Chef: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Metalners

These are all the Metalners and their sub-types:

  • Love Seeker: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Metalner: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Metazorl: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Chinois: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Suezos

These are all the Suezos and their sub-types:

  • Pink Eye: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Rocky Suezo: Sub-type = Golem
  • Melon Suezo: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Horn: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Furred Suezo: Sub-type = Hare
  • Orion: Sub-type = Gali
  • Suezo: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Clear Suezo: Sub-type = Jell
  • Green Suezo: Sub-type = Plant
  • Red Eye: Sub-type = Monol
  • Fly Eye: Sub-type = Worm
  • Purple Suezo: Sub-type = Naga
  • Gold Suezo: Sub-type = ???
  • Silver Suezo: Sub-type = ???
  • Bronze Suezo: Sub-type = ???
  • Birdie: Sub-type = ???
  • Sueki Suezo: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Jills

These are all the Jills and their sub-types:

  • Pong Pong: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Pierry: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Wondar: Sub-type = Hare
  • Bengal: Sub-type = Kato
  • Zorjil: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Jill: Sub-type = Jill
  • Skull Capped: Sub-type = Joker
  • Pithecan: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Mocchis

These are all the Mocchis and their sub-types:

  • Manna: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Draco Mocchi: Sub-type = Dragon
  • KnightMocchi: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Fake Penguin: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Nyankoro: Sub-type = Kato
  • Mocchi: Sub-type = Mocchi
  • Hell Pierrot: Sub-type = Joker
  • Gelatine: Sub-type = Jell
  • GentleMocchi: Sub-type = ???
  • Caloriena: Sub-type = ???
  • Mocchini: Sub-type = ???

Monster Rancher 2 Monster List – Jokers

These are all the Jokers and their sub-types:

  • Hell Heart: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Flare Death: Sub-type = Dragon
  • Tombstone: Sub-type = Golem
  • Blue Terror: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Odium: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Joker: Sub-type = Joker
  • Bloodshed: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Gaboos and their sub-types:

  • Frozen Gaboo: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Dokoo: Sub-type = Joker
  • Gaboo: Sub-type = Gaboo
  • Jelly Gaboo: Sub-type = Jell
  • GabooSoldier: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Jells and their sub-types:

  • Pink Jam: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Wall Mimic: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Jell: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Icy Jell: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Muddy Jell: Sub-type = Hare
  • Noble Jell: Sub-type = Gali
  • Eye Jell: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Jell: Sub-type = Jell
  • Chloro Jell: Sub-type = Plant
  • Clay: Sub-type = Monol
  • Worm Jell: Sub-type = Worm
  • Purple Jell: Sub-type = Naga
  • Metal Jell: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Undines and their sub-types:

  • Siren: Sub-type = Joker
  • Undine: Sub-type = Undine
  • Mermaid: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Nitons and their sub-types:

  • Ammon: Sub-type = Golem
  • Knight Niton: Sub-type = Durahan
  • Stripe Shell: Sub-type = Kato
  • Alabia Niton: Sub-type = Bajarl
  • Metal Shell: Sub-type = Metalner
  • Clear Shell: Sub-type = Jell
  • Niton: Sub-type = Niton
  • Baum Kuchen: Sub-type = Mock
  • Dribbler: Sub-type = ???
  • Radial Niton: Sub-type = ???
  • Disc Niton: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Mocks and their sub-types:

  • Ebony: Sub-type = Joker
  • Mock: Sub-type = Mock
  • White Birch: Sub-type = ???
  • Pole Mock: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Duckens and their sub-types:

  • Blocken: Sub-type = Golem
  • Ticken: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Ducken: Sub-type = Ducken
  • Watermelony: Sub-type = ???
  • Cawken: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Plants and their sub-types:

  • Queen Plant: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Rock Plant: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Plant: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Blue Plant: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Hare Plant: Sub-type = Hare
  • Gold Plant: Sub-type = Gali
  • Usaba: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Mirage Plant: Sub-type = Jell
  • Plant: Sub-type = Plant
  • Black Plant: Sub-type = Monol
  • Fly Plant: Sub-type = Worm
  • Weeds: Sub-type = Naga
  • Raggae Plant: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Monols and their sub-types:

  • Romper Wall: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Obelisk: Sub-type = Golem
  • Jura Wall: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Blue Sponge: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Furred Wall: Sub-type = Hare
  • Ivory Wall: Sub-type = Gali
  • Sandy: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Ice Candy: Sub-type = Jell
  • New Leaf: Sub-type = Plant
  • Monol: Sub-type = Monol
  • Soboros: Sub-type = Worm
  • Asphaltum: Sub-type = Naga
  • Galaxy: Sub-type = ???
  • Dominos: Sub-type = ???
  • Scribble: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Apes and their sub-types:

  • Rock Ape: Sub-type = Golem
  • Gibberer: Sub-type = Hare
  • Bossy: Sub-type = Gali
  • Tropical Ape: Sub-type = Plant
  • Ape: Sub-type = Ape
  • Gold Dust: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Worms and their sub-types:

  • Red Worm: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Rock Worm: Sub-type = Golem
  • Scaled Worm: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Drill Tusk: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Corone: Sub-type = Hare
  • Mask Worm: Sub-type = Gali
  • Eye Worm: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Jelly Worm: Sub-type = Jell
  • Flower Worm: Sub-type = Plant
  • Black Worm: Sub-type = Monol
  • Worm: Sub-type = Worm
  • Purple Worm: Sub-type = Naga
  • Express Worm: Sub-type = ???


These are all the Nagas and their sub-types:

  • Ripper: Sub-type = Pixie
  • Trident: Sub-type = Golem
  • Stinger: Sub-type = Zuum
  • Striker: Sub-type = Tiger
  • Edgehog: Sub-type = Hare
  • Bazula: Sub-type = Gali
  • Cyclops: Sub-type = Suezo
  • Aqua Cutter: Sub-type = Jell
  • Jungler: Sub-type = Plant
  • Crimson Eyed: Sub-type = Monol
  • Earth Keeper: Sub-type = Worm
  • Naga: Sub-type = Naga
  • Time Noise: Sub-type = ???

Enemy only Monsters

These are all the Enemy only Monsters and their sub-types:

  • Magma Heart: Sub-type = ???
  • Sniper: Sub-type = ???
  • Sand Golem: Sub-type = ???
  • Wild Saurian: Sub-type = ???
  • Silver Face: Sub-type = ???
  • Kamui: Sub-type = ???
  • Bloody Eye: Sub-type = ???
  • Crescent: Sub-type = ???
  • Zilla King: Sub-type = ???
  • Blue Phoenix: Sub-type = ???
  • Bighand: Sub-type = ???
  • Mad Gaboo: Sub-type = ???
  • Burning Wall: Sub-type = ???
  • King Ape: Sub-type = ???
  • Punisher: Sub-type = ???
  • White Suezo: Sub-type = ???
  • White Mocchi: Sub-type = ???