Neko Paradise Walkthrough & Guide v0.12

Table of Contents

Last Updated on 30 December, 2021

Neko Paradise Walkthrough & Guide – Unlock all the events and scenes with all the characters, find all the collectibles and complete all the routes

To unlock new characters progress complete the steps of the main story and the available characters

To earn points, just talk with each character once a day

If you need money, fish (beach) and sell food at the market

Main Story

  1. Living Room > Evening
  2. Living Room > Morning
  3. Sleep after day 2
  4. Sleep after day 3
  5. Again sleep after day 5
  6. Living room > morning after day 7 > meet bera
  7. Sleep after day 9
  8. Visit the village at morning
  9. Sleep after day 15
  10. Market after day 20, midday – Last Event

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Violet

  1. Breakfast with your family
  2. Kitchen > Morning (requires 3 points)
  3. Sleep (requires 6 points) – Last Event

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Lily

  1. Lily needs a bath (2 points & morning time)
  2. Peek > Her room > Evening
  3. Bath > Morning (requires 6 points) > Pancakes
  4. Sleep (requires 8 points)
  5. Sleep (requires 10 points)
  6. Again Sleep (requires 13 points)
  7. Bath (requires 16 points)
  8. Bedroom > Evening (requires 18 points)
  9. Bathroom > Afternoon (requires 20 points)

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Ash

  1. Morning > Kitchen
  2. Visit her (Farm > Morning or afternoon) after day 7
  3. Visit her (Farm > Evening) after day 13 (requires 3 points)
  4. Farm (7 points & midday) – Last Event

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Chocomint

  1. Talk to Chocomint (Village morning or Lily’s room evening)
  2. 5 points & sleeping
  3. 7 points event
  4. Bath (requires 8 points)
  5. Get 16 points with Choco & 10 with Cream – Last event
  6. v.11: kitchen (evening)
  7. Sleep (requires 15 points)

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Autumm

  • Only Main story content
  • v.11: Village street (afternoon) – Requires 3 points

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Cream

  • Lily’s room Evening (requires 4 points)
  • Living room morning (requires 7 points)
  • Living room evening (requires 9 points)
  • Again Living room evening (requires 10 points)
  • Get 16 points with Choco & 10 with Cream – Last event
  • v.11: Village street (afternoon)

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Bera

  • After unlocked (after day 7) Living Room > Evening time
  • Sleeping event
  • Forest (morning /afternoon) > meet bera (3 points) – Last event
  • v.11: Her house (evening)
  • Her house (evening – Requires 6 points)

Neko Paradise Walkthrough – Marie

  • Village after day 8 (morning time) – Last Event
  • v.11: Village (evening) Requires 3 points
  • Village morning (requires 6 points)


  • Check the map at night when available
  • Sleep (requires 5 points)
  • v.11: Midday Living room
  • Afternoon – Living Room (requires 7 points) – Last Event v0.12


  • After unlocked > Kitchen > afternoon > Livingroom (requires 2 points)
  • Afternoon (requires 4 points) – Last event


  • Cliff during the day
  • Cliff > Evening – Last event


  • Donate food at market (after unlock market)
  • Keep donating fish during the day and check at night until you unlock all the scenes – Last event


  • Beach evening
  • Again beach evening, but requires 3 points
  • Beach evening (requires 4 points) – Last Event


  • Sleeping event (main story)


  • Only Main story content
  • Market – Morning (requires 4 points)

Wallpapers Locations

  • Market: Below the door
  • Bathroom: Below the toilet
  • Kitchen: Below the clock
  • Living room: above the closet
  • Living room: Blue plant right side
  • Livingroom: green plant left side
  • Your room: right of the basket
  • Your room: the picture
  • Lily’s room: Picture right side
  • Neko’s place: Among the trees
  • Bera’s place: by the logs
  • Farm: under the big house (better at night)

Relics Locations

  • Living room: below the cushions
  • Kitchen: Left side
  • Your room: left of your desktopicture right side
  • Lily’s room: Below the bed
  • Farm: Right side
  • Go fishing:
    • 1st screen: left side
    • 2nd screen: Middle
    • Last screen: Middle
  • Market: under the tree (better at night)

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