Stellaris Console Commands & Cheats

Table of Contents

Last Updated on 3 August, 2021

Welcome to the Stellaris Console Commands & Cheats guide, we will provide you all the available commands, codes and ids, so you can use and enjoy the cheats

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Stellaris Console Commands – How to open Console?

Press “º” or “`” to the left of the key “1” in the keyboard. If it doesn’t work try Shift+2, Shift + Alt + C, or ALT+2+1

Stellaris Console Commands – Cheats

Add/remove Cheats I – Console Commands

  • Anomaly (add) – add_anomaly X: Where X is the name of the anomaly
  • Opinion (add) – add_opinion X: Where X is the name of the Opinion
  • Relic (add) – add_relic X: Where X is the name of the relic
  • Trait to Leader (add) – add_trait_leader X Y: Where X is number or id of the leader and Y the trait id
  • Trait to Leader (remove) – remove_trait_leader X Y: Where X is number or id of the leader and Y the trait id
  • Ship (add) – add_ship X: Where X is the name of the Ship or the design
  • Trait to Specie (add) – add_trait_species X Y: Where X is number or id of the specie and Y the trait id
  • Trait to Specie (remove) – remove_trait_species X Y: Where X is number or id of the specie and Y the trait id
  • Alloys (add) – alloys X: Where X is the amount of alloys to add
  • Robot Pops (add) – build_pops X: Where X is the amount of Robot Pops to add
  • Cash or Energy Credits (add) – cash X: Where X is the amount of Cash or energy credits to add
  • Building (add to celestial body) – effect add_building = X: Where X is the ID of the building
  • Deposit (add to celestial body) – effect add_deposit = X: Where X is the ID of the Deposit or the ID of the Planetary Feature
  • Modifier (add to celestial body) – effect add_modifier = { modifier X: Where X is the ID of the planet modifier

Add/remove Cheats II

  • Engineering tech points (add) – engineering X: Where X is the amount of engineering points to add
  • Food (add) – food X: Where X is the amount of food to add
  • Growing pops (add) – grow_pops X: Where X is the amount of growing pops to add
  • Influence (add) – influence X: Where X is the amount of influence to add
  • Full Resources (add) – max_resources
  • Minerals (add) – minerals X: Where X is the amount of minerals to add
  • Minor Artifacts (add) – minor_artifacts X: Where X is the amount of minor artifacts to add
  • Physics (add) – physics X: Where X is the amount of physics tech points to add
  • Planet Happiness (add) – planet_happiness X: Where X is the amount of planet happiness to add
  • Resource (add) – resource X: Where X is the amount of resource to add
  • Skill levels (add) – skills X: Where X is the amount of skill levels to add
  • Society tech points (add) – society X: Where X is the amount of society tech points to add
  • Unity (add) – unity X: Where X is the amount of unity to add

More Cheats

  • Traditions (activate all) – activate_all_traditions
  • Tradition (activate) – activate_tradition X: Where X is the id of the Tradition
  • Ascension Perk (activate) – activate_ascension_perk X: Where X is the name of the ascension perk
  • AI (Toggle on or off) – ai:
  • Planet Ownership (take) – branchoffice:
  • Colonize a planet – colonize X: Where X is the ID
  • Megastructure (create) – create_megastructure X: Where X is the ID of the megastructure
  • Fleet (create) – create_navy X: Where X is the % of naval capacity
  • Refuse Player proposals (always) – debug_nomen:
  • Agree Player proposals (always) – debug_yesmen:
  • Ethics (Shift) – effect shift_ethic = X: Where X is the ID of the Ethic
  • Researchs (finish all) – finish_research:
  • Special Projects (finish all) – finish_special_projects:
  • Terraforming processes (finish all) – finish_terraform
  • Force Integrate – force_integrate X: Where X is country id you want to integrate to your empire
  • Free Government (Toggles) – free_government
  • Free Policies (Toggles) – free_policies
  • Instant build – instant_build: But also applies to enemy AI
  • Intel (galaxy info) – intel
  • Invincible (ship) –invincible
  • Observer mode – observe
  • Fleet, Starbase or Planet Ownership (take control) – own
  • Fills all housing on a selected planet – populate
  • Planet Class (change) – planet_class X: Where X is the planet class name or id
  • Planet Size (change) – planet_size X: Where X is the new planet size
  • Technology or Tech Research (all) – research_all_technologies
  • Technology or Tech Research (one) – research_technology X: Where X is the Tech ID
  • Surveys all planets – survey: But requires 1 science ship
  • Edicts (unlock all) – unlock_edicts

Stellaris Console Commands – Testing Commands

  • 3D stats (Toggles) – 3dstats
  • Achievement status (print) – achievement_status
  • Ethic to a pop (add) – add_ethic_pop x y: Where x is the pop id and y the ethic key
  • Game in year 2400 -advanced_galaxy
  • Ai anomalies (Toggles) – ai_anomalies
  • Alien FX (Toggles) – alienfx
  • Ambient object (spawn) – ambient_object x: where x is the object type
  • Attack all fleets – attackallfleets
  • AI aggression to 10 – berserk_ai
  • Map Borders – borders
  • Casus Belli – casusbelli x y: where x is the casus belli key id and y the id of the target empire
  • Clear flag – clearflag x y z: where x is the type, x the flag and z the target id
  • Communications with an empire (Toggles) – communications x: where x is the target country id
  • Contact with all the empires (Toggles) – contact
  • Ship Damage – damage x: Where x is the amount of damage, but you have to select the ship first
  • Start a democratic ruler election – democratic_election
  • Start a ruler election – election
  • Show errors – error
  • Remove megastructure -effect remove_megastructure: but you have to select the megastructure first
  • Advance time – fast_forward x: where x is number of days to advance
  • Kill country, leader, population or ruler – kill_country, kill_leader (ID), kill_pop (ID, kill_ruler
  • Switch Language – switchlanguage